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Liability and Injury Evaluations: Understanding the Two Types of Recommendation Models

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Third party bodily injury teams use a number of different approaches and tools to settle claims, but they do share a similar set of goals—settling claims efficiently and accurately. With so many factors at play in the third party claims process, including 调节器的营业额, 工作负载, aligning adjusters with management’s objectives, 缺乏报告等等, many carriers struggle to achieve these goals consistently across their organizations. 建立一致的责任和伤害评估方法是有效处理人身伤害索赔的基础. 此外, 实施这一步骤对于在实践中进行一致和准确的索赔谈判和和解至关重要. 许多汽车亚博真人官方版APP为理算员配备了一套工具和指导方针,以帮助他们在索赔过程的这个阶段, 但如果没有一个程序化的方法来评估和校准整个组织的责任和伤害, adjuster teams will likely diverge in their claim handling practices. A liability and evaluation recommendation model can help improve consistency and accuracy, but it may be challenging to understand which type of model is right for you. Below, we’ve outlined some key information to help you get started.

What is a Recommendation Model?

许多承运商为他们的理算员提供技术帮助他们完成责任和伤害评估过程. 这些技术收集有关索赔的信息,并帮助创建责任和一般损害赔偿建议,理算员可以使用这些建议来达成索赔和解. 例如, depending on the accident details, these types of technology platforms will collect information like:

  • 事故情景(i).e.(十字路口与车尾)
  • Weather conditions at the time of loss
  • Relevant tort factors (speed/control of vehicle)
  • Medicals evaluation data (injuries considered or severity/causation factors)

根据收集到的数据, the tool will then use its pre-set model to calculate a potential liability evaluation range. 然后,它引导理算员通过类似的过程,得出一般损害赔偿和医疗特别赔偿的建议.

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What Types of Recommendation Models are Available?

目前市场上最流行两种类型的推荐模型:基于历史承保人数据的纯统计分析的模型,以及基于统计分析和保险承保人最佳实践的组合构建的模型. 虽然这两种类型的模型都有相同的目的——帮助汽车事故亚博真人官方版APP提高第三方人身伤害索赔评估的一致性和准确性——但我们认为,最佳实践推荐模型为亚博真人官方版APP提供了比历史数据模型更多的优势. 这种类型的推荐或“知识库”模型可以帮助运营商建立自己的最佳实践, connect management goals with adjusters’ day-to-day claim handling processes and helps set adjusters up for success in the negotiation process.

Why the Best Practices Model is Right for You

帮助您更详细地了解为什么我们认为最佳实践模型是市场上可用的最佳选择, and to help you clearly see the differences between the two types side by side, 我们已经概述了历史数据模型与最佳实践模型的异同. Third Party Recommendation Model

Interested in seeing a best practices recommendation model in action? Find out more about Mitchell ClaimIQ >

Key Features and Benefits Analysis

As you can see, each type of model brings something different to each insurance carrier. To help easily visualize the differences, 我们还制作了一个简单的表格,突出显示了每种模型的主要特性和优点.Key Features and Benefits of Recommendation Models

The Best Practices Knowledgebase Model: Frequently Asked Questions

虽然很容易理解如何基于历史索赔数据构建纯统计模型, you may be wondering how the best practices model works and is created. Below, we’ve answered the most frequently asked questions we’re asked about the model.

How Are Best Practices Collected and Entered into the Model?

通常, 最佳实践模型是基于对承运人理算员的共识建模调查而开发的, which provides a high degree of data confidence due to the abundance of data points. Carriers select their adjusters to be surveyed to help determine accident scenarios, 面试问题, define the tort duties relevant to each accident type, determine severity and causation questions and more.

How Does Surveying My Adjusters Help Create Better Results?

理算员是索赔处理团队最重要的资产,他们拥有帮助每个公司成功的知识和专业知识. 通过利用表现最好的理算员的技能集来帮助理赔团队的其他成员, an insurance carrier sets themselves up for consistent and accurate claim evaluations, regardless of the adjuster working on a claim.

What if My Organization Doesn’t Have the Expertise to Build the Models?

通常, 一个组织需要七个或更多的调整员和其他专家来构建一个最佳实践知识库模型. The model can be built from scratch, or carriers can choose from a starter menu of investigation and injury questions, liability duties and more to help them build their best practices model. 该软件提供详细的报告和分析,使亚博真人官方版APP能够实时查看他们的索赔趋势.

Choosing the Right Recommendation Model

第三方索赔过程中的责任损害评估步骤是保证每次责任损害评估步骤正确无误的关键,为及时准确的理赔奠定基础. 最佳实践模型可以帮助亚博真人官方版APP将其索赔处理理念与公司的日常活动相结合,并为理算人员提供成功所需的工具. While the historical claims data model may be somewhat quicker to set up, we believe using a best practices recommendation model is the right choice for long-term success.

Learn more about Mitchell ClaimIQ—our highly-customized knowledgebase is built based on your best practices.